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Luba - 03/18/2005
This is an awesome website! Im on this site during work and its great to listen to your favorite christian bands and singers. Thanks for making it! God bless!:)
Teacher - 03/18/2005
правильно надо писать не "Forcast", а FORECAST. Первую страницу оформлять нужно грамотно!!!! А все остальное оч. классно, так держать!
Elezy Ward - 03/17/2005

tanya - 03/17/2005
yeah, nice website.. iam from washington, i dont know anyone here, but its still fun to look a pics...actually i know you, Tanya Odeychuk,and oksana..and your brother...from montana..remember?
vika - 02/28/2005
This website is really great! I enjoy it here a lot. I love to look at people pictures at the same time listen to music or radio. Vitaminxp keep up to great work. And add more music! Take care and God Bless!:d
nikola - 02/23/2005
http://russkii.io.com.ua - Contact
malishka - 02/23/2005
thanks alex...neznayu cho ne stavlyat ... whats up/?
adidaschic - 02/22/2005
This is great website!!!!!!!!
carlyn harris - 02/22/2005

Alex - 02/22/2005
really glad to see more new pics, keep it up ! Lena u loook good so does u sis but why noone also puts pics on here?
Lena :) - 02/22/2005
Hi!!!! Nice web site! Gooood job! Have one nice day!
lena - 02/15/2005
You have unique site, you put a lot of affert to it. God Blessing
http://www.fotki.com/wonderfulworld - Contact
Olya Pavlenko - 02/13/2005
Dima, privet. Good job on the site! I really love it. But I do have a favor to ask you. Can you please take that old photograph of me off of the Rochester Youth page? I'll send you a more recent one. Thank you very much, I appreciate it.....
Ilya - 02/13/2005
Hey everyone. I just want to let you all know that a new site has been created (based in Albany) for slavic youth. The link to it is www.youthlounge.com. Please visit us. Thank you and God Bless all of you.
http://www.youthlounge.com - Contact
Svetik - 02/12/2005
Hi, people. Just found out about this site by accident, and I have to say that this is a great site. Keep up the good work people. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! From Ohio