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How to Software Review Skype

Skype NEWS

Skype is fast becoming one of the fastest growing Internet applications.  Already claiming roughly 4% of all international phone traffic, 800,000 SkypeOut users and 22 million+ Skype users in less than a year. 

Voice over IP or 'VoIP' is becoming a very popular solution for communication, just as the Cell Phone did years ago.  The goal of this site is provide relevant news, tips, tricks and information what Skype can be used for and how best to exploit it and use Skype not just on your computer or PocketPC, but use it without having to sit in front of your computer.

  • Did you know you can use Skype without sitting at your computer?
  • Did you know that you can use Skype with the same telephone you use for regular telephone calls?
  • Did you know you can have an answering machine with Skype?
  • Did you know Skype makes a great addition to a Video Call?
  • Did you know Skype can call almost any cell or telephone in the world?
  • Did you know you can rely on Skype enough to cancel your home telephone and long distant service and save significant money on your phone costs?
  • Did you know you can use your cell phone to send messages to a Skype user?

Questions like these and how to get the most out of Skype is what this site is all about.  We use Skype everyday and have learned all the tips and tricks to getting the most out of Skype and VoIP.

Click Here to download newest version of Skype, or visit Skype website at

Published on: 2006-03-12 Author: Guest